Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rowan and Layne enjoying the sunny day!

Rowan's broom

This was one of her Christmas present and she loves to help out and sweep :)

Rowan in Dada's shoes

She loves to put on and attempt to walk in our shoes... she is very determined!

Rowan & her blue beanie!

Rowan loves this blue beanie because she can put it on all by herself. She usually puts it on before her baths and runs around the house naked! Also she loved brushing her teeth it is also her favorite :)

About Me

My photo
So I finally jumped on the blog band wagon so that family & friends especially the ones far away could just check the blog for updates on our growing munchkin! Being a mother is the most amazing and rewarding thing I have ever done and I am looking forward to the years to come watching her grow and experience life. I hope everyone enjoys and thank you Rowan for bringing so much joy & light into my life!