Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rowan playing with my shoes... she loves them already!

It must be a genetic thing that runs in my family... the love of shoes. My grandmother use to say that I could play in her closet with her shoes for hours and that I should of been born with shoes on!!

1 comment:

Isabella's Mommy.... said...

if she's anything like her mommy she will have a ton of shoes!! oh boy, i can just see the two of you shopping for shoes soon! so much fun....

About Me

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So I finally jumped on the blog band wagon so that family & friends especially the ones far away could just check the blog for updates on our growing munchkin! Being a mother is the most amazing and rewarding thing I have ever done and I am looking forward to the years to come watching her grow and experience life. I hope everyone enjoys and thank you Rowan for bringing so much joy & light into my life!